Monday, March 28, 2011

It's okay to indulge...

Springtime is upon us. That means cleaning our closets, weeding through things we don't need, pulling weeds in the garden, freshening up the house, and looking hot for summer. Easier said than done, right? Right. If you're in college like me, though, your schedule is filled with exams, papers, projects, meetings, etc. You're also probably up until all hours of the night. I love ordering Jimmy Johns actually; it's my favorite, and it's a lot more filling than say an apple, or an orange. I fall victim to this ALL the time.

Last night I kicked off my latest fitness endeavor. I hadn't exercised in probably three weeks and then I hit up the gym, burned over 700 calories on the elliptical before another 150 on the bike! It felt amazing. After my workout last night, I was dreading lunch today because cheeseburgers and fries were at the top of the menu. I bit my tongue and got the asparagus and pork choice though.

Let me make it very clear that I don't support depriving yourself of all things delicious! You may have heard people say that it's all about portion control. Well, it is. Don't overdo it. I snuck a pizza-stuffed breadstick with my lunch this afternoon, but the main part of the meal was healthy. I have learned that if I try to deprive myself of the foods I love, I end up getting more desperate and overindulge later and more often. This is why it is an okay thing to pick something with each meal that YOU want. Don't overdo it and go back for seconds and thirds, but give your body a small taste of the delicious things in life! This, balanced with the right exercise, is going to help you look fab for spring!


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

snow. Snow. SNOW.

URGH. Currently in northern, central Michigan it is snowing for the first time in weeks. This makes me super duper happy. Does anyone else agree that if it is going to be bitterly cold, it might as well be snowing. Who likes cold weather without snow? NOT ME. I'm also missing palm trees and a mai tai. Laying out on the beach and listening to Enrique (my iPod video classic) sounds SO LEGIT during the winter months.